Marco V. Ginatta, Energy changes in Electrochemical Process - The Electrodynamic Model and The Thermoelectrode, Ph.D. Thesis N. 1521, Colorado School of Mines, Department of Met. Eng., Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. (PDF 30MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, Phase transformation in the electrodeposition of titanium from molten salts, MSc Thesis N. 1342, Colorado School of Mines, Department of Met. Eng., Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. (PDF 4MB)

Monica Cariola, IL TITANIO: Un metallo per molteplici applicazioni Analisi tecnologica e valutazioni economiche,FrancoAngeli, 1996 (PDF 0,3MB)

Monica Cariola, A high-potential sector: titanium metal. Oligopolistic policies and technological constraints as main limits to its development, Resources Policy, ISSN 0301-4207, Vol. 25, Number 3, September 1999 

Marco V. Ginatta, Why produce Titanium by EW? Journal of Metals, May 2000 (PDF 0,1MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, Economics and Production of Primary Titanium by Electrolytic Winning, Proceedings of Extraction and Processing Division (EPD) of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2001 EPD Congress, p. 13-41, February 11-15, 2001 TMS Annual Meeting (PDF 0,2MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, GTT, Titanium Electrowinning, International Symposium on Ionic Liquids in Honour of Marcelle Gaune-Escard, Carry le Rouet, France, June 27 - 28, 2003 (PDF 3MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, GTT, Titanium Electrowinning, Ti-2003, 10th World Conference on Titanium, Hamburg, Germany, July 13 - 18, 2003 (PDF 0,3MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, GTT, Selective Transfer of Charged Species Along Charged Walls, ECS 2004 (PDF 2MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, GTT, Multilayer Electrodic Interphase, ECS 2004 (PDF 0,8MB)

Marco V. Ginatta, GTT, Titanium Electrowinning, International Round Table on Titanium Production in Molten Salts, Cologne, Germany, 2 - 4 March 2008 (PDF 0,5MB)

Michael Free, Michael Moats, Tim Robinson, Neale Neelameggham, Georges Houlachi, Marco Ginatta, David Creber, George HolywellElectrometallurgy - Now and in the future, The Metal Society, March 11-15, 2012, Annual Meeting (PDF 1MB)